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Getting to Know the Difference Between Green and Black Coffee

Getting to Know the Difference Between Green and Black Coffee

2 min

Green coffee or green coffee is currently gaining popularity among coffee lovers worldwide. The main thing that distinguishes this coffee from regular coffee is the processing process from green coffee beans which affects the content and aroma of green coffee.

But what exactly is green coffee? Unfortunately, many people in Indonesia still don't know much about the origin of this coffee. If you're one of those still confused, don't worry. Below is a complete review of green coffee!

Each Cup of Green Coffee Comes from Regular Coffee Trees


You must have heard the terms arabica and robusta beans, or even understand well the differences between the two. Well, green coffee itself is not a different type of bean like those two types of beans. In fact, this coffee can come from arabica, robusta, or other types of coffee plants.


The difference lies in the series of processing processes of green coffee. Like regular coffee beans, green coffee comes from picking fruits, separating fruits and coffee beans, and various other processes to ensure the quality of coffee beans is maintained. However, after going through these processes, the coffee beans will not go through the roasting process first, but will be dried and ready for sale.



The Influence of Roasting Process and the Lack Thereof


Generally, regular coffee beans are roasted to develop the taste. In the roasting process, there are hundreds of compounds that will be processed to produce the aroma and taste of coffee that we know so far. In short, if there are differences in the way and duration or temperature of the roasting process, then the resulting taste will also be different.


Well, green coffee doesn't go through this process at all. This means that this type of coffee deliberately left with the natural taste and aroma of coffee beans or not developed. It's no wonder that many say this coffee has a lighter taste compared to regular coffee!


Read Also: Effective! 6 Benefits of Black Coffee for Your Work Performance



Why Isn't Green Coffee Roasted?


So far, you may be wondering why green coffee is not roasted like regular coffee. The answer actually varies depending on its enthusiasts. Some like it because of its natural aroma and taste, and some also believe that this coffee brings many benefits to the body.


Through the roasting process, it turns out that some of the natural contents of coffee beans will be lost. One of the important contents among them is chlorogenic acid.


Green coffee is safe to consume moderately or not excessively, just like other good things in life!


Well, that's the explanation about green coffee that you need to know. Basically, the difference between this coffee and regular coffee lies in the processing process. This type of coffee is deliberately left not going through the roasting process to maintain various contents, including chlorogenic acid.


In addition, as explained earlier, the different process also brings a distinctive taste to green coffee. If you're curious, you can now enjoy the sensation directly through every serving of NESCAFÉ Green Blend, the first innovation in Indonesia that offers a blend of ground coffee, creamer, sugar, and also green coffee extract in each package!



Kopi Hijau VS Kopi hitam


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